3 Cybersecurity Myths That Will Hurt Your Library This Year
Working amid the ever-changing currents of technology and cyber security, libaries often find themselves entangled in a web of misinformation and outdated ideas. But failing to distinguish between myth and fact can put your security at serious risk. Based on expert...
Tapping into Tech: A Deep Dive into Patron Computer Usage at the Library
With over three decades of experience, AVC has been at the forefront of installing and maintaining patron computers in libraries. We've witnessed the evolution of library IT needs, from the days of physical locking devices to today's sophisticated network security...
Old Malware, New Tricks
An old malware scam is reemerging with dangerous new tricks, causing significant problems for anyone who uses a web browser – i.e., nearly all of us. Hackers using the “update your browser” scam found new ways to hide malicious files, making it harder for security...
Resistance To Resilience: Learning To Live Without Limits
More than half of us will have given up on our New Year’s resolutions by December (and some of us already have). According to a 2020 Ipsos survey, 55% of respondents quit their resolutions before year’s end. Of those, one in 10 gave up in less than a month. Our...
Show Some Love To Your Business Continuity Plan
Wintertime can feel like a wonderland. There’s hot cocoa, cozy fireside conversations, glistening white snowfall…ice storms, power outages and tons of employee sick days. You can’t predict the future, but a business continuity plan – BCP for short – ensures that...
The Greenwood Public Library Constantly Adapts To Meet Its Community’s Needs, And AVC Technology Is The Only IT Provider That Can Keep Up
Company Name: Greenwood Public Library Name & Title: Cheryl Dobbs, Executive Director & Emily Ellis, Associate Director Location: Greenwood, IN Website: Industry: Public Services Recently, the Greenwood Public Library hosted a Mo...