Library Grant Research

Believe in Reading Grants

Deadline: Ongoing

Mission: Funded by The Steve and Loree Potash Family Foundation. “Illiteracy has become such a serious problem in our country that 44 million adults are now unable to read a simple story to their children.” Believe in Reading funds excellent programs that teach, improve, or encourage reading by people of all ages from around the world.

Eligibility: Awards grants to existing and provably successful literacy programs. Programs should have been established for a minimum of 2 years

Use: For programs that serve any age or aspect of supporting reading and literacy, including adult literacy or English as a second language projects; literacy programs which serve populations that show out of the ordinary needs (i.e. geographic areas with low reading scores and high poverty levels)

Amount: The maximum grant amount is $10,000, however the vast majority of grants are for $3,000 or less

The Lisa Libraries Book Donation Program

Deadline: Ongoing

Mission: Founded in 1990, the Lisa Libraries was started by author Ann M. Martin and friends to honor and memorialize children’s book editor Lisa Novak. Donates new children’s books and helps establish small libraries for organizations that work with kids in low-income or underserved areas.

Eligibility: Organizations that work with kids in low-income or underserved areas (i.e. day-care centers, prison visiting areas for children of incarcerated parents, homeless shelters, battered women’s shelters, and after-school programs.)

Use: Building small libraries collections

Amount: Book donations

T-Mobile Hometown Grants Program for Small and Rural Communities

Deadline: Last day of each quarter
Spring: Applications open January – March

Summer: Applications open April – June

Fall: Applications open July – September

Winter: Applications open October – December

Mission: “T-Mobile Hometown Grants is a $25 million, five-year initiative to support the people and organizations who help small towns across America thrive and grow.”

Eligibility: Small towns with populations of less than 50,000

Use: “…support a community project of your choice, like revitalizing or repurposing a historic library, creating a downtown asset or destination, technology projects for the public library, or improving a space where friends and neighbors gather. Projects that add to a sense of place or could lead to further investment are of particular interest.”

Amount: up to $50k

Rural Tech Fund

Deadline: Review and award grants every 30-60 days, and there are no specific deadlines for applying.

Mission: “… to help introduce other rural students to the potential of technology careers and equip them with the education they needed to pursue those jobs.”

Eligibility: Rural and high-poverty public schools and libraries.

Use: Funding of teacher and student-led projects in public schools and libraries designed to help spark student interest in technology-based careers.
Amount: Average grant ranges from $500-$2500.