Why Data Storage and Backup Should Be on Your Radar

As a library director, your plate is already full. You’re managing budgets, overseeing staff, and keeping patrons happy. But there’s one more thing you should be thinking about: your library’s data. Where is it stored? Is it backed up? Who owns it? These aren’t just techie questions—they’re crucial to the survival of your library’s operations.

The 3 Biggest Data Problems Libraries Face

  1. Data Storage: Where Is It and Who Owns It?

One of the most significant issues is knowing where your data is stored and who really owns it. Is it on-site, in the cloud, or a mix of both? If it’s stored on a local server, what happens if that server fails? And if it’s in the cloud, are you sure your library owns the data, not just the cloud provider?

Without clear ownership, you could be left in a lurch if something goes wrong. It’s like lending out a rare book without a clear agreement on who’s responsible for it—it could disappear without a trace.

  1. Backup Woes: Are You Covered?

Backup is your safety net, but is yours strong enough? Many libraries think they’re covered because they have some form of backup. But where is that backup stored? Is it on-site, off-site, or in the cloud? If you only have an on-site backup, what happens in the case of a fire or flood? And if it’s in the cloud, is it automatically updated, or do you have to remember to do it manually?

The real question isn’t if you have a backup, but if your backup is reliable. Think of it like a fire drill—having a plan isn’t enough; it has to work when you need it most.

  1. Access Control: Who Owns the Log-Ins?

Who has access to your library’s critical systems? If a single staff member “owns” the login for an essential service, what happens if they leave? You might lose access entirely and regaining it could take time and money—resources that libraries rarely have in abundance.

It’s like giving one person the only key to the library. If they leave, getting back inside becomes a real problem. You need a system where logins are controlled by the organization, not individuals.

Addressing Common Concerns

“We’re Too Small to Worry About That.”

Even small libraries can face big problems when it comes to data. Don’t think that because your staff is small, you’re immune to data breaches, server failures, or other disasters. Data issues can happen to anyone, and the smaller your team, the harder it is to recover.

“We Don’t Have the Budget.”

It’s true budgets are tight. But consider this: the cost of losing your data or not being able to access it could be far higher. Investing in a proper data management strategy now could save you significant headaches (and dollars) down the road.

“We’re Covered with Our Current Setup.”

Maybe. But is your current setup the best it could be? Are you sure your data is stored, backed up, and accessible in the safest, most reliable way? An MSP can assess your current setup and provide solutions that offer better protection and peace of mind.

How AVC Technology Can Help

At AVC Technology, we specialize in helping libraries like yours manage their data safely and efficiently. We’ll ensure that your data is stored securely, owned by your library, and backed up in multiple locations. We offer centralized login management, so no single staff member holds the keys to the kingdom. Plus, our cloud solutions provide the flexibility and security you need in today’s digital world.

And don’t forget about disaster recovery. With a robust plan in place, you’ll know exactly what to do if the worst happens—and we’ll be right there to help you through it.

In the end, data management isn’t just about technology—it’s about ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your library. By addressing these common problems, you’ll be taking a proactive step toward safeguarding your library’s future. Let AVC Technology be your partner in this critical journey.